New Jersey School Public Relations Association
Event details
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NJSPRA Annual Meeting & School Communicators Day Celebration
Focusing on You, Your Colleagues, and Your Professional Organization
TENTATIVE AGENDA: - A Look Back: The NJSPRA Year in Review - - National School Communicators Day Celebration - Including Prizes and Giveaways - The Here and Now: Lunch with Regional Colleagues - - Looking Ahead: Member Input for 2025-26 - Programming, Membership and Communication
Forsgate Country Club 375 Forsgate Drive Monroe Township, NJ
Included in Your 2024-25 Membership Guests: $125 per
NJSPRA Programs and Events Committee
Review your confirmed event registrations →
Mailing Address 760 Route 46 West #1001 Parsippany, NJ 07054
Contact Us 845-406-0631