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Want to improve your communication skills and strategy? Need to know how colleagues around the state are tackling an issue? Like to network with people who understand your unique challenges? Join us to access these member benefits!

NJSPRA invites you to become a member and avail you and your district of all we offer. Membership is open to school communications professionals, district and building-based administrators, consulting agencies servicing schools, and others tasked with or promoting school communications.

NETWORKING! In addition to all of the member benefits listed at right, members have access to one another through our statewide network where they continuously reach out to one another for expertise and support, saving time and enhancing productivity.

Membership is on an annual basis, July 1-June 30.

Individual Membership: $375
Includes three full-day workshops, Annual Dinner, Communications Awards/Fall Networking event including one contest entry.

Group Membership: $625
Includes all of the above for two individuals from the same district. $295 per member for three or more members.

Join after March 15 and you annual dues cover the remainder of the current year and the entire successive year.

For questions or information, contact us at

Member Benefits

Each year, we offer a Fall, Winter, and Spring Workshop with state and national speakers on topics of interest expressed by our members. Workshops are held at a central location and include breakfast, lunch and networking.
While virtual workshops were held during the pandemic, NJSPRA is returning to in-person workshops for 2022-2023! We will also add virtual power hours for hot topics as the need arises, and these are included in your membership.
To view workshops and all upcoming events, check our Events page for details and registration links. 

Fall Networking Event/Awards Celebration
We kick off each year with an evening networking event and awards ceremony recognizing outstanding work in school communications from the prior year. 

Communication Awards Contest
In this annual event, we celebrate and share the best work in school communications across our state. Membership includes one complimentary entry into the contest.

Annual Meeting
We close out each ye
ar with our annual business meeting, recognition of the NJ Communicator of the Year, and a featured speaker/program.

Special Programs 
When urgent or timely events dictate, NJSPRA holds special programs to ensure our members have current and accurate information.

NJSPRA sponsors at least one scholarship annually to the National School Public Relations Association annual seminar. Only members are eligible to a
We also sponsor one scholarship each year to a student enrolled in the school communications program at Rowan University.

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760 Route 46 West #1001
Parsippany, NJ 07054


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